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The Value of a Personal Photography Project

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The Value of a Personal Photography Project
Product Details

Photography, at its most purposeful core, centers on artistic self-expression. Driven by a desire to create, every photographer strives to find greater purpose in their body of work and themselves. Typically, mostly through social circles and traveling, photographers pursue a variety of appealing, but well-documented subjects. This nomadic style may generate an expansive image portfolio, but it does not lend itself to exploring one subject, or theme, intimately, which in turn does not push the photographer to grow as a creative individual. Personal projects, such as a photo essay, force the photographer to embrace a particular subject or theme completely which in turn elevates the photographers creative eye, creative thinking, skills, and sense of purpose.

In this online presentation, Hunt's Photo Educator Don Toothaker will discuss the value and benefits of the personal photography project. Part inspirational, part instructional, this session is important for any photographer looking to expand and dig deeper into their work!