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Online: Photographing Holiday Lights

November 24, 2021 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

See event details for registration information.

Class Summary

Date & Time:

November 24, 2021 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Best practices for photographing holiday lights in low light and at night
Skill Level:
Emily Hojnowski
Recommended Prerequisites:
Basic understanding of Aperture, Shutter, ISO & Exposure; Beginner Photography Understanding

Want to get this class after it?s been run?? We have an online store where you can purchase all our previously run classes here:?https://edu.huntsphoto.com/buy-previous-courses/

Course Description
From Halloween through New Year?s Day and beyond, festive lights are everywhere. This is truly a prime opportunity to capture the beauty of holiday light decorations, both indoors and outdoors. And Hunt’s Photo Education will be leading a SLEW of these walks in late-November and December! Join Hunt’s Photo Educator Emily Hojnowski for an in-depth exploration of the settings, the composition, the thought process, and more behind photographing holiday lights. Before you step out in the cold, warm up your brain to the knowledge of how to do it! To be covered?
? Exposure, Focusing, Settings, Subject Matter, and Gear
? RAW vs. Jpeg shooting
? Aperture Priority vs. Manual
? Live View and Manual Focus
Understanding the full-functionality of your camera is a necessity to improving your flexibility when photographing in a variety of situations. This course is designed to help you feel more comfortable about how to change your camera?s settings in those situations. It is recommended as a follow-up to our Beginner Photography course.