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Special Guest Series- Advanced Techniques to Fine Art Photography with Thibault Roland

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Special Guest Series- Advanced Techniques to Fine Art Photography with Thibault Roland
Product Details

For most of us, photography is inherently technical. We strive to obtain the most recent and superior gear, sometimes just so we can play with new toys.

There is nothing wrong with that, but photography goes beyond the equipment we use, and it can be hard at times not to lose focus that we are creatives first and foremost.

With this approach in mind, Sony Artisan of Imagery Thibault Roland will use his own work to introduce the concepts behind some of his signature techniques such as long exposure, infrared and tilt/shift photography. He will discuss how they can be used in order to create unique looking images and effects, and how a change in perspective with respect to equipment can drastically improve your own photographic work.

About Thibault: Born in France in 1981, Sony Artisan of Imagery Thibault Roland is a scientist by training and fine art photographer. Thanks to his rigorous background he became a Master of techniques such as long exposure, tilt/shift and infrared photography. He specializes in black and white architecture, minimalism and seascapes. His fine art photographs have been shown, published and awarded internationally and are included in public and private collections such as at the Boston Athenaeum. Previously an instructor at the New England School of Photography, Thibault teaches workshops and gives seminars internationally. Thibault currently lives in Portland, OR.
You can find more information and see Thibault’s work at