Class Summary
October 24, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Color theory is the study of how colors work in harmony together and how they affect our feelings and viewpoints. Knowing color theory makes us a better photographer in many ways. It helps us see the world in a new way, giving us insight into subject choices and stronger compositions. Color theory also aids in the editing process, allowing us to make faster and more succinct decisions in the hue, saturation, and luminance of the tones in our images. We can use color theory to enhance the emotions and messages we hope to portray in our images.
Join us for a fun evening where Emily Hojnowski, Lead Educator at Hunt’s Photo, shares her passion for both the science and aesthetics of color! Then, you’ll put your new knowledge and inspiration into action by creating new images for an image review!
Join us, do something fun, and get creative!