Class Summary
January 23, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Who doesn’t love a nice tack-sharp flower photo? Or a beautiful landscape, in focus from foreground to background? These images can be created effortlessly, but sometimes, there may be a little more effort than you might think!
Join Hunt’s Photo Educator Emily Hojnowski as she presents an Intro to Focus Stacking: The process of combining multiple images, each with a different focus point, in order to create images with far greater depth of field, in which all (or most) of the image is in focus!
The process begins in camera where the image is created, then shifts to the computer using Lightroom and Photoshop. Emily will give a step-by-step of the process in this primer course!
Registering and what is needed
After you register for this class, you will receive a confirmation email that will include information about how to access the online class, including an online ID code that you will need to get into the class. Make sure to save this information. We will also send a reminder email about 48 hours prior to the class time with that same information.
Layout of the class
The class will begin promptly at the time listed. The majority of the class–roughly 90 minutes– will be a presentation on the topic, followed by a short Q&A. During the class, you are welcome to type in questions in the Chat box if you have specific questions as they are asked. We will do our best to answer those questions, but if not, feel free to ask them at the end.
“You Are Being Recorded” (And Other Note Related Items)
We will be recording this class! The video will be available for download about 24-hours after the class for all attendees, so don’t worry about taking unending notes. We will send this link attendees to download and rewatch at any time. In addition to this, we will generally send out a PDF of the presentation (when applicable) and handouts on the topic. If handouts and PDFs are included, we will send it out with the link for the video.
Can’t attend the class?
If you can’t attend the class but still want to download the video, no problem: Just sign up for the class! You don’t need to attend and we will send the video and PDF link the next day!