Online: The Wonderful World of Waterfalls (Photographing Water)

Thursday March 24th, 7-8:30pm ? Online! ??In this class, we'll talk about the technical and the artistic elements used to capture waterfalls at their best. This includes camera settings and adding in filters, as well as composition and storytelling.

Online: High Standards with High ISOs

Monday March 28th, 7-8:15pm ? Online! ? What's the deal with High ISOs?! Join Hunt's Photo Education as we dive right into the technology and art of ISO, including editing tips and tricks!

Multi-Session Series- Mastering Manual Mode

Thursdays April 14th, 21st, 28th, & May 5th, 7-8:30pm ? Online! ??It's important to fully understand the "why" and "how" of your camera settings, and learning to master manual is an excellent way to do so.