Wednesdays September 11th, 18th, & 25th, 6-8pm • Hunt's Photo, Waltham • THE class recommended for anyone looking to further their skills with Lightroom
This is a great opportunity to build up your editing skills in Lightroom! Adobe Lightroom is the choice program for professionals and amateurs, with ever-growing capabilities and options. However, there are many levels to understanding in the program. How do we organize our photos? What do we do to make basic changes? Once we learn… Read More »
Mondays September 23rd & 30th, 6-8pm (*Note change in date) • Hunt's Photo, Waltham • A Primer on Digital Photography, including how and why to set your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera
Do you have a new DSLR that you have no idea how to use? Have you had your camera for 6 months, a year or more and want to take better pictures? Are you putting your camera away because you just don?t see the difference between your expensive camera and your smart phone? Learn to… Read More »
Saturdays February 1st & 8th, 9-11am • Hunt’s Photo, Waltham • A Primer on Digital Photography, including how and why to set your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera
Tuesdays February 4th & 11th, 6-8pm, Hunt’s Photo South Portland • A Primer on Digital Photography, including how and why to set your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera
Wednesday February 5th, 6:30pm EST • Online! This course focuses on how to organize your images for quick retrieval via keywords, ratings, and more, as well as giving a description on how to consider organizing your photos on your computer.
Thursdays January 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, February 6th & 13th, 4-5:15pm • For Youth Only! Come have fun and learn about photography–from composition & perspective to depth of field & movement
Thursdays February 6th & 13th, 6-8pm, Hunt’s Photo Providence • A Primer on Digital Photography, including how and why to set your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera