In-Person Classes
Hunt’s Photo Education’s Winter/Spring Youth Photography Program
Thursdays February 27th, March 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th & April 3rd, 4-5:15pm • Hunt's Photo, Melrose • For Youth Only! Come have fun and learn about photography--from composition & perspective to depth of field & movement
Developing Color Film- Hunt’s Photo Melrose
Thursday March 6th, 6-8pm • Hunt's Photo, Melrose • Join Hunt's Photo Education as we discuss all the key elements of loading and developing film, and get you to develop a roll on your own!
Beginner Photography Series- Hunt’s Photo, Providence
Thursdays March 6th & 13th, 6-8pm, Hunt's Photo Providence • A Primer on Digital Photography, including how and why to set your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera