Hunt’s Photo Walk: People at the MFA Boston
Thursday February 27th, 10am-1pm • Boston, MA • Our emphasis on this workshop will be in the vein of street photography, as we turn our emphasis towards people within the museum.
Online: Multi-Session Series- Adobe Photoshop Basics (Pt 2)
Thursdays February 20th & 27th, 7pm ET • Online! • In this Multi-Session Series, we will cover many of the basics that will help get you on your way to editing in Photoshop!
Multi-Session Series- Adobe Lightroom Classic- File Management & Editing (Part 2)- Hunt’s Photo, Manchester
This is a great opportunity to build up your editing skills in Lightroom! Adobe Lightroom is the choice program for professionals and amateurs, with ever-growing capabilities and options. However, there… Read More »
Beginner Photography Series- Hunt’s Photo, Waltham (Part 2)
Do you have a new DSLR that you have no idea how to use? Have you had your camera for 6 months, a year or more and want to take… Read More »
Developing Black & White Film- Hunt’s Photo Melrose
Thursday February 27th, 6-8pm • Hunt's Photo, Melrose • Join Hunt's Photo Education as we discuss all the key elements of loading and developing film, and get you to develop a roll on your own!