Online Courses
Online: Personal Vision Series- Narrow Depth of Field (on Purpose)
Introductory Presentation Wed June 22nd, 7pm EST ??Image Review Wed July 6th, 7pm EST ??All Online!
Hunt’s Photo Adventure Printing Series
Wednesday June 29th, 6-8pm ??Online or in our Hunt's Photo, Melrose store location ??A chance to create prints from your recent Hunt's Photo Adventure
Online: Digital Photography Basics 1- Exposure, The Big Three Settings, Modes, and More
Mon July 11th, 7pm EST ? Also Offered monthly Online! ??Learn to fully utilize your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera's potentials! Harness your creative power with?photography!
Online: Multi-Session Series- Editing in Adobe Lightroom Classic
Tuesdays July 12th, 19th & 26th, 6:30-8:30pm ? Online! ?? Here is a great opportunity to build up your editing skills in Lightroom! Join Hunt's Photo Education as we dive into learning how to better edit in Adobe Lightroom Classic
Online: Get Organized: File Management 101
Tues July 12th, 7pm EST ? About as fun as you can make a class on file management, this will feature some of the basics of computer organization!
Online: Multi-Session Series- Video Basics
July 14th & 21st, 6:30-8pm ??Online! ? All the settings you need to know to create excellent videos on your DSLR or Mirrorless camera
Online: Digital Photography Basics 2- Focus, Lenses, Depth of Field, RAW and More
Mon July 18th, 7pm EST ??Also Offered monthly Online! ??Learn to fully utilize your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera's potentials! Harness your creative power with?photography!
Hunt’s Photo Walk (and Adventure) Printing Series
Thursday July 21st, 6-8pm ??Online or in our Hunt's Photo, Melrose store location ??A chance to create prints from your recent Hunt's Photo Walk (or Adventure)
Online: Multi-Session Series- Mastering Manual Mode
Thus July 21st, 28th, Aug 4th & 11th, 7pm EST ??Online! ??Take away the fear from Manual Mode in this multi-session series!
Online: Beyond the Basics- Focus on Focusing (All About Autofocus)
Tuesday July 26th, 7pm EST ??Online! ? Featuring a comprehensive guide to autofocus settings (and more!)
Online: Personal Vision Series- In Your House By Window Light
Introductory Presentation Wed July 27th, 7pm EST Image Review Wed August 10th, 7pm EST ??All Online!
Online: Digital Photography Basics 1- Exposure, The Big Three Settings, Modes, and More
Mon August 8th, 7pm EST ? Also Offered monthly Online! ??Learn to fully utilize your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera's potentials! Harness your creative power with?photography!
Online: The Printed Vision- Comparing Paper Surfaces
Presentation: Thursday August 11th, 7-8pm ? Online! ??Printed Image Review: Thursday August 25th, 6-8pm ? In our Hunt's Photo Melrose store OR Online!
Online: Digital Photography Basics 2- Focus, Lenses, Depth of Field, RAW and More
Mon August 15th, 7pm EST ??Also Offered monthly Online! ??Learn to fully utilize your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera's potentials! Harness your creative power with?photography!
Online: Multi-Session Series- Working with Landscape Photography
August 18th & 25th, September 1st & 8th, 7pm EST ? Online! ??In this course, we will dive into the world of Landscape Photography!
Online: Alt-Creative Series- Adding Textures in Your Photographs
Introductory Presentation Mon August 22nd, 7pm EST Image Review Wed August 29th, 7pm EST ??All Online! ??Dig deep into the creative elements of an alternative method in photography!
Hunt’s Photo Walk and Adventure Printing Series
Wednesday August 31st, 6-8pm ??Online or in our Hunt's Photo, Melrose store location ??A chance to create prints from your recent Hunt's Photo Walk (or Adventure)
Online: Digital Photography Basics 1- Exposure, The Big Three Settings, Modes, and More
Mon September 12th, 7pm EST ? Also Offered monthly Online! ??Learn to fully utilize your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera's potentials! Harness your creative power with?photography!
Online: Multi-Session Series- Video Basics
Thu Sept 15th & 22nd, 6:30-8pm ??Online! ? All the settings you need to know to create excellent videos on your DSLR or Mirrorless camera
Women with Vision: An Online Photo Conference
Friday September 16th, 3-6:30pm EST; Saturday September 17th, 9am-8pm EST; Sunday September 18th, 11am-1pm EST ??Join Hunt's Photo for Women with Vision- Inspiration, Creativity, Knowledge, Empowerment, and more!
Online: Digital Photography Basics 2- Focus, Lenses, Depth of Field, RAW and More
Mon September 19th, 7pm EST ??Also Offered monthly Online! ??Learn to fully utilize your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera's potentials! Harness your creative power with?photography!
Online: Shooting Tethered into Capture One – Portrait Editing
Tuesday September 27th, 7pm EST ? Online! ? This seminar is FREE!?Learn how to create sessions, set up a speedy and reliable workflow, and control the camera from the computer using the Capture One software
Online: Alt-Creative Series- Intentional Camera Movement
Introductory Presentation Tue September 27th, 7pm EST Image Review Tue October 11th, 7pm EST ??All Online! ??Dig deep into the creative elements of an alternative method in photography!
Online: Special Guest Series- Photographing Waterfalls with Andy Leclerc & Jamie Malcolm-Brown
Sunday October 2nd, 7pm EST ? Online! ? Featuring A Primer on Photographing Waterfalls from two New England Photographers
Online: Creative Composition Series- Patterns
Introductory Presentation Tue Oct 4th, 7pm EST Image Review Tue October 18th, 7pm EST ??All Online! ??Come join us to work and strengthen your creative compositions!
Online: Digital Photography Basics 1- Exposure, The Big Three Settings, Modes, and More
Mon October 10th, 7pm EST ? Also Offered monthly Online! ??Learn to fully utilize your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera's potentials! Harness your creative power with?photography!
Online: Multi-Session Series- Editing in Adobe Lightroom Classic
Tuesdays October 11th, 18th & 25th, 6:30-8:30pm ? Online! ?? Here is a great opportunity to build up your editing skills in Lightroom! Join Hunt's Photo Education as we dive into learning how to better edit in Adobe Lightroom Classic
Online: Multi-Session Series- Creating Books, Calendars, and More: Preparing Images, Creating Designs, and Emphasizing Storytelling
***Please note slight change in dates*** October 13th, 27th, & November 10th, 6:30-8pm ??Online! ? A comprehensive look at Preparing Images, Creating Designs, and Emphasizing Storytelling for bookmaking
Online: Digital Photography Basics 2- Focus, Lenses, Depth of Field, RAW and More
Mon October 17th, 7pm EST ??Also Offered monthly Online! ??Learn to fully utilize your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera's potentials! Harness your creative power with?photography!
Online: Multi-Session Series- Food Photography
October 20th, 27th, November 3rd & 10th, 7pm EST ? Online! ? In this course, we will dive into the world of Food Photography and how to work your way up for the most appealing and best quality imagery!
Online: Digital Photography Basics 1- Exposure, The Big Three Settings, Modes, and More
Tue November 8th, 7pm EST ? Also Offered monthly Online! ??Learn to fully utilize your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera's potentials! Harness your creative power with?photography!
Online: Multi-Session Series- Video Basics
Thu Nov 10th & 17th, 6:30-8pm ??Online! ? All the settings you need to know to create excellent videos on your DSLR or Mirrorless camera
Online: Special Guest Series- Aviation Photography with Skiesnbeyond
Monday November 14th, 7pm EST ? Online! ? Featuring a Primer on Aviation Photography with an award-winning guest photographer!
Online: Digital Photography Basics 2- Focus, Lenses, Depth of Field, RAW and More
Tue November 15th, 7pm EST ??Also Offered monthly Online! ??Learn to fully utilize your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera's potentials! Harness your creative power with?photography!
Hunt’s Photo Walk and Adventure Printing Series
Thursday November 17th, 6-8pm ??Online or in our Hunt's Photo, Melrose store location ??A chance to create prints from your recent Hunt's Photo Walk (or Adventure)
Online: Photographing Holiday Lights
Wednesday November 30th, 7pm EST ? An in-depth exploration of the settings, the composition, the thought process, and more behind photographing holiday lights!
Online: Personal Vision Series- “Peaceful”
Introductory Presentation Thu Dec 1st, 7pm EST ??Image Review Tue Dec 20th, 7pm EST ??All Online!
Online: Get Organized: File Management 101
Thursday December 1st, 7pm EST ? About as fun as you can make a class on file management, this will feature some of the basics of computer organization!
Online: Special Guest Series- Creating Images on Mt Washington in Winter with Joe Klementovich
Monday December 5th, 7pm EST ? Online! ? A course covering all the aspects of creating images in harsh winter conditions, everything from personal gear strategies to keeping batteries and fingers warm and operational
Online: The Printed Vision- Making a Fine Art Print
Presentation: Thursday December 8th, 7-8pm ? Online! ??Printed Image Review: Thursday December 15th, 6-8pm ? In our Hunt's Melrose store or Online! ??Come find out what it takes to make a fine art printing one of your own!
Online: Digital Photography Basics 1- Exposure, The Big Three Settings, Modes, and More
**Please note date change** Thursday December 8th, 7pm EST ? Also Offered monthly Online! ??Learn to fully utilize your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera's potentials! Harness your creative power with?photography!
Online: Digital Photography Basics 2- Focus, Lenses, Depth of Field, RAW and More
Tue December 13th, 7pm EST ??Also Offered monthly Online! ??Learn to fully utilize your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera's potentials! Harness your creative power with?photography!
Online: Portfolio Review- Holiday Images!
Monday December 19th, 7pm EST ? Online! ??An excellent opportunity to have personalized feedback on your holiday imagery!
Printed Vision Series: Holiday Images!
Wednesday December 21st, 6-8pm ??Online or in our Hunt's Photo, Melrose store location ??Learn about editing and printing with our Holiday Print Class!
Online: Photo Resolutions for the New Year
Thursday December 29th, 7pm EST ? The new year is a wonderful time to reaffirm your passion to improve your photography- join us as we discuss key points to keep in mind as you continue to evolve your awareness, knowledge, techniques, and personal vision in the field.
Online: Digital Photography Basics 1- Exposure, The Big Three Settings, Modes, and More
Tuesday January 3rd, 7pm EST ? Also Offered monthly Online! ??Learn to fully utilize your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera's potentials! Harness your creative power with?photography!
Online: Alt-Creative Series- Adding Textures in Your Photographs
Introductory Presentation Wednesday January 4th, 7pm EST Image Review Wednesday January 11th, 7pm EST ??All Online! ??Dig deep into the creative elements of an alternative method in photography!
Online: Adobe Lightroom Classic- File Management in Lightroom
Thursday January 5th, 6:30-8:30pm EST ? Online! This course focuses on how to organize your images for quick retrieval via keywords, ratings, and more, as well as giving a description on how to consider organizing your photos on your computer.
Online: Developing Technique Series- An Intimate Look at your House
Introductory Presentation Thu Jan 5th, 7pm EST ??Image Review Mon Jan 23rd, 7pm EST ??All Online!
Online: Personal Vision Series- “Cold”
Introductory Presentation Tue Jan 10th, 7pm EST ??Image Review Tue Jan 24th, 7pm EST ??All Online!