Editing & Printing Classes
Online: Adobe Lightroom Classic- File Management in Lightroom
Tuesday January 7th, 6:30-8:30pm EST • Online! This course focuses on how to organize your images for quick retrieval via keywords, ratings, and more, as well as giving a description on how to consider organizing your photos on your computer.
Developing Black & White Film- Hunt’s Photo Melrose
Thursday January 9th, 6-8pm • Hunt's Photo, Melrose • Join Hunt's Photo Education as we discuss all the key elements of loading and developing film, and get you to develop a roll on your own!
Online: Get Organized: File Management 101
Thursday January 9th, 7pm EST • Online! • About as fun as you can make a class on file management, this will feature some of the basics of computer organization!
Multi-Session Series- Adobe Lightroom Classic- File Management & Editing- Hunt’s Photo, Melrose
Saturdays January 11th & 18th, 9am-12pm • Hunt's Photo, Melrose • THE class recommended for anyone looking to further their skills with Lightroom
Online: Multi-Session Series- Editing in Adobe Lightroom Classic
Tuesdays January 14th, 21st, & 28th, 6:30-8:30pm EST • Online! • Here is a great opportunity to build up your editing skills in Lightroom! Join Hunt's Photo Education as we dive into learning how to better edit in Adobe Lightroom Classic
Developing Color Film- Hunt’s Photo Melrose
Thursday January 16th, 6-8pm • Hunt's Photo, Melrose • Join Hunt's Photo Education as we discuss all the key elements of loading and developing film, and get you to develop a roll on your own!
Edit Like a Pro: Open Lightroom Classic Editing Session • Hunt’s Photo, Melrose
Sunday January 19th, 11am-3pm • Hunt's Photo, Melrose • This open session is the perfect way to level up your editing skills and walk away with stunning photos you'll love..
Print Review Monthly: Printing BIG and small- Hunt’s Melrose or Online!
Printed Image Review: Thursday January 23rd, 6-8pm • In our Hunt’s Melrose store or Online! • An image review, a print review, and a print- Come check out why printing is the best thing to do for your photography!
Online: Adobe Lightroom Classic- File Management in Lightroom
Wednesday February 5th, 6:30pm EST • Online! This course focuses on how to organize your images for quick retrieval via keywords, ratings, and more, as well as giving a description on how to consider organizing your photos on your computer.
Online: Multi-Session Series- Editing in Adobe Lightroom Classic
Wednesdays February 12th, 19th, & 26th, 6:30-8:30pm EST • Online! • Here is a great opportunity to build up your editing skills in Lightroom! Join Hunt's Photo Education as we dive into learning how to better edit in Adobe Lightroom Classic
Print Review Monthly: Comparing Papers
Printed Image Review: Thursday February 13th, 6-8pm • In our Hunt’s Melrose store or Online! • What does it look like on Matte Paper? What does it look like on Glossy Paper? Only one way to find out!
Online: Color Management- Monitors, Profiles, Color Spaces, and More!
Tuesday February 18th, 6:30-8:30pm EST • Online! • A Primer on Color Management, from capture to editing and more!
Online: Multi-Session Series- Adobe Photoshop Basics
Thursdays February 20th & 27th, 6pm ET • Online! • In this Multi-Session Series, we will cover many of the basics that will help get you on your way to editing in Photoshop!
Multi-Session Series- Adobe Lightroom Classic- File Management & Editing- Hunt’s Photo, Manchester
Thursdays February 20th, 27th, & March 6th, 6-8pm • Hunt's Photo, Manchester • THE class recommended for anyone looking to further their skills with Lightroom
Multi-Session Series- Adobe Lightroom Classic- File Management & Editing- Hunt’s Photo, Melrose
Sundays February 23rd & March 9th, 11am-2pm • Hunt's Photo, Melrose • THE class recommended for anyone looking to further their skills with Lightroom
Developing Black & White Film- Hunt’s Photo Melrose
Thursday February 27th, 6-8pm • Hunt's Photo, Melrose • Join Hunt's Photo Education as we discuss all the key elements of loading and developing film, and get you to develop a roll on your own!
Multi-Session Series- Adobe Lightroom Classic- File Management & Editing- Hunt’s Photo, Melrose
Saturdays March 1st & 8th, 9am-12pm • Hunt's Photo, Melrose • THE class recommended for anyone looking to further their skills with Lightroom
Online: Adobe Lightroom Classic- File Management in Lightroom
Tuesday March 4th, 6:30pm EST • Online! This course focuses on how to organize your images for quick retrieval via keywords, ratings, and more, as well as giving a description on how to consider organizing your photos on your computer.
Developing Color Film- Hunt’s Photo Melrose
Thursday March 6th, 6-8pm • Hunt's Photo, Melrose • Join Hunt's Photo Education as we discuss all the key elements of loading and developing film, and get you to develop a roll on your own!
Online: Multi-Session Series- Editing in Adobe Lightroom Classic
Tuesdays March 11th, 18th, & 25th, 6:30pm ET • Online! • Here is a great opportunity to build up your editing skills in Lightroom! Join Hunt's Photo Education as we dive into learning how to better edit in Adobe Lightroom Classic
Multi-Session Series- Adobe Lightroom Classic- File Management & Editing- Hunt’s Photo, Waltham
Thursdays March 13th, 20th, & 27th, 6-8pm • Hunt's Photo, Waltham • THE class recommended for anyone looking to further their skills with Lightroom
Online: The Printed Vision- Printing on Rice Paper!
Print Review: Thursday March 13th, 6-8pm • In our Hunt's Melrose store or Online! • Come find out about the world of printing on Rice Paper!
Edit Like a Pro: Open Lightroom Classic Editing Session • Hunt’s Photo, Melrose
Sunday March 23rd, 11am-3pm • Hunt's Photo, Melrose • This open session is the perfect way to level up your editing skills and walk away with stunning photos you'll love..
Online: Multi-Session Series- Creating Books and More: Preparing Images, Creating Designs, and Emphasizing Storytelling
Thursdays April 3rd & 10th, 6:30-8pm • Online! • A comprehensive look at Preparing Images, Creating Designs, and Emphasizing Storytelling for bookmaking