This is a great opportunity to build up your editing skills in Lightroom! Adobe Lightroom is the choice program for professionals and amateurs, with ever-growing capabilities and options. However, there are many levels to understanding in the program. How do we organize our photos? What do we do to make basic changes? Once we learn… Read More »
This is a great opportunity to build up your editing skills in Lightroom! Adobe Lightroom is the choice program for professionals and amateurs, with ever-growing capabilities and options. However, there are many levels to understanding in the program. How do we organize our photos? What do we do to make basic changes? Once we learn… Read More »
Thursdays March 28th & April 11th, 6-8pm • Hunt's Photo, Melrose • A Primer on Digital Photography, including how and why to set your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera
Tuesdays February 18th & 25th, 6-8pm, Hunt’s Photo Manchester • A Primer on Digital Photography, including how and why to set your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera
Wednesdays February 19th & 26th, 6-8pm • Hunt’s Photo, Melrose • A Primer on Digital Photography, including how and why to set your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera
Join Hunt’s Photo Education for our new Multi-Session Series. In our Multi-Session Series, we will meet over the course of a number of weeks, generally at the same time each week. During that time, we will discuss a specific element of a topic and end the session by giving a photographic assignment. That assignment will… Read More »
Thursdays February 20th, 27th, & March 6th, 6-8pm • Hunt’s Photo, Manchester • THE class recommended for anyone looking to further their skills with Lightroom
Thursdays February 20th & 27th, 6-8pm • Hunt’s Photo, Waltham • A Primer on Digital Photography, including how and why to set your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera
Thursdays February 20th & 27th, 6pm ET • Online! • In this Multi-Session Series, we will cover many of the basics that will help get you on your way to editing in Photoshop!
Saturday February 22nd, 10am-2pm • Hunt’s Photo, Melrose • Come see your photography through the eyes of a kid and transform your toys into life size photos!