Beginner Photography Series- Hunt’s Photo, Manchester (Part 2)
Do you have a new DSLR that you have no idea how to use? Have you had your camera for 6 months, a year or more and want to take better pictures? Are you putting your camera away because you just don?t see the difference between your expensive camera and your smart phone? Learn to… Read More »
Online: Multi-Session Series- Editing in Adobe Lightroom Classic
Tuesdays November 14th, 21st, & 28th, 6:30-8:30pm EST ? Online! ?? Here is a great opportunity to build up your editing skills in Lightroom! Join Hunt's Photo Education as we dive into learning how to better edit in Adobe Lightroom Classic
Online: Hunt’s Photo Talks: A Visual Tour of Sicily
Tuesday November 14th, 7:30-9pm EST ??Online! ??This talk is FREE! Come hear about the experiences, ask questions, and more to see this visual feast of locations!
Online: Personal Vision Series- “Organic Color” (Image Review)
Join Hunt's Photo Education as we help grow your knowledge, creativity, and artistic expression with our expanded Personal Vision Series. These classes are designed to provide you time, opportunity, and guidance in shaping your creative photographic voice. We will give an overview on a specific topic in an online class session, then give you time… Read More »
Beginner Photography Series- Hunt’s Photo, South Portland (Pt 2)
Do you have a new DSLR that you have no idea how to use? Have you had your camera for 6 months, a year or more and want to take better pictures? Are you putting your camera away because you just don?t see the difference between your expensive camera and your smart phone? Learn to… Read More »
Beginner Photography Series- Hunt’s Photo, Providence (Pt 2)
Do you have a new DSLR that you have no idea how to use? Have you had your camera for 6 months, a year or more and want to take better pictures? Are you putting your camera away because you just don?t see the difference between your expensive camera and your smart phone? Learn to… Read More »
Video Gimbal Basics- How to Balance a Gimbal (and more)- Hunt’s Photo, Melrose
Thursday November 19th, 6-8pm ??Hunt's Photo Melrose ??What parts make up gimbals, how to balance and operate, what accessories to consider, and more!
Online: Multi-Session Series- Mastering Manual Mode (Pt 4)
Join Hunt's Photo Education for our new Multi-Session Series. In our Multi-Session Series, we will meet over the course of a number of weeks, generally at the same time each week. During that time, we will discuss a specific element of a topic and end the session by giving a photographic assignment. That assignment will… Read More »
Hunt’s Photo Walk: A Morning at Plimoth Patuxet
Saturday, November 18th, 9am-12pm ? Plymouth, MA ? Join Hunt's Photo Education for a photo walk that will have an emphasis on storytelling in a 17th-century setting!
Still Life Photography Workshop- Hunt’s Photo, Portland
Saturday November 18th, 10am-1pm ? Hunt's Photo, Portland ? In this workshop, we will discuss how to compose, light, and photograph your subject to convey the story and mood you envision.
Beginner Photography in the Field: Roger Williams Park, Providence
Saturday November 18th, 10am-2pm ? Roger Williams Park, Providence, RI ? Roger Williams Park is a massive area of greenery and beauty in Providence with a Rose Garden, Japanese Garden, beautifully constructed buildings, and is a great place to learn about photography!
Online: Multi-Session Series- Editing in Adobe Lightroom Classic Pt 2
Join Hunt's Photo Education for our new Multi-Session Series. In our Multi-Session Series, we will meet over the course of a number of weeks, generally at the same time each week. During that time, we will discuss a specific element of a topic and end the session by giving a photographic assignment. That assignment will… Read More »
Online: Personal Vision Series- “Hometown Portraits”
Introductory Presentation Tuesday November 21st, 7pm EDT ??Image Review Thursday December 7th, 7pm EDT ??All Online!
Holiday Macro & Tabletop Photography Workshop (Melrose)
Friday Nov 24th, 10am-3pm ? Hunt's Photo, Melrose ? Get creative and close-up with our annual Holiday Macro Workshops!
Hunt’s Photo Walk: MIT Architecture & Memorial Drive
Friday, November 24th, 5-8pm ? Cambridge, MA ??Join Hunt's Photo Education for a photo walk through MIT in Cambridge and onto Memorial Drive overlooking the Charles.
Holiday Macro & Tabletop Photography Workshop (Melrose)
Saturday Nov 25th, 10am-3pm ? Hunt's Photo, Melrose ? Get creative and close-up with our annual Holiday Macro Workshops!
Hunt’s Photo Walk: Harvard Square in the Evening
Saturday, November 25th, 2:30-5:30pm ? Cambridge, MA ??On this walk, we will not only explore motion through street photography, but also long exposures in the square!
Hunt’s Photo Adventure: Photographing Wildlife and Landscapes at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
November 28th - December 2nd ??Socorro, New Mexico ??Join us at Bosque del Apache for birds, wildlife, and landscapes!
Beyond the Basics- Next Steps: Understanding Manual Exposure- Hunt’s Photo, Melrose
Tuesdays November 28th & December 5th, 6-8pm ??Hunt's Photo, Melrose ??Join us as we workshop how to effectively use Manual Exposure in the field
Online: Multi-Session Series- Editing in Adobe Lightroom Classic Pt 3
Join Hunt's Photo Education for our new Multi-Session Series. In our Multi-Session Series, we will meet over the course of a number of weeks, generally at the same time each week. During that time, we will discuss a specific element of a topic and end the session by giving a photographic assignment. That assignment will… Read More »
Beginner Photography Series- Hunt’s Photo, Melrose
Wednesdays November 29th & December 6th, 6-8pm • A Primer on Digital Photography, including how and why to set your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera
Online: Photographing Holiday Lights
Wednesday November 29th, 7pm EST ? An in-depth exploration of the settings, the composition, the thought process, and more behind photographing holiday lights!
Online: The Printed Vision- Making a Fine Art Print
Presentation: Thursday November 30th, 7-8pm ? Online! ??Printed Image Review: Wednesday December 6th, 6-8pm ? In our Hunt's Melrose store or Online! ??Come find out what it takes to make a fine art printing one of your own!
Hunt’s Photo Walk: Boston Seaport & Fan Pier at Night
Friday December 1st, 5-8pm ??Fan Pier, South Boston Waterfront ??Featuring nightscapes and beautiful city scenery along the Seaport District of Boston
Beginner Photography Series- Hunt’s Photo, Hanover
Saturdays December 2nd & 9th, 2023, 9-11am ??We offer this class on a monthly basis!
Hunt’s Photo Walk: Portsmouth at Night
Saturday, December 2nd, 3:30-6:30pm ? Portsmouth, NH ??Join Hunt's Photo Education as we make use of sunset and civil twilight, photographing in Portsmouth!
Beyond the Basics- Next Steps: Understanding Manual Exposure (Part 2)- Hunt’s Photo, Melrose
Please note: This is a 2-part class that will meet on the dates listed above After learning ?the basics? of digital photography, become more comfortable in the world of digital photography by taking the next step. Learning about photography can be a real challenge! For this reason, we often start newcomers off using the "Priority… Read More »
Beginner Photography Series- Hunt’s Photo, South Portland
Tuesdays December 5th & 12th, 6-8pm, 2023 ??A Primer on Digital Photography, including how and why to set your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera
Hunt’s Photo Walk: Holiday Lights at La Salette
Tuesday December 5th, 6-9pm ??Attleboro, MA ??Join us for this great opportunity to photograph Holiday Lights at La Salette Shrine
Online: Digital Photography Basics 1- Exposure, The Big Three Settings, Modes, and More
Tuesday December 5th, 7pm EST ? Also Offered monthly Online! ??Learn to fully utilize your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera's potentials! Harness your creative power with?photography!
Beginner Photography Series- Hunt’s Photo, Manchester
Wednesdays December 6th & 13th, 6-8pm ??Hunt's Photo, Manchester ??Offered Monthly in our Hunt's Photo, Manchester location
Beginner Photography Series- Hunt’s Photo, Melrose (Part 2)
Do you have a new DSLR that you have no idea how to use? Have you had your camera for 6 months, a year or more and want to take better pictures? Are you putting your camera away because you just don?t see the difference between your expensive camera and your smart phone? Learn to… Read More »
Multi-Session Series- Adobe Lightroom Classic- File Management & Editing- Hunt’s Photo, Melrose
Thursdays December 7th, 14th, 21st, 6-8pm • Hunt's Photo, Melrose • THE class recommended for anyone looking to further their skills with Lightroom!
Beginner Photography Series- Hunt’s Photo, Providence
Thursdays December 7th & 14th, 6-8pm ??A Primer on Digital Photography, including how and why to set your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera
Online: Personal Vision Series- “Hometown Portraits” (Image Review)
Introductory Presentation Tuesday November 21st, 7pm EDT ??Image Review Thursday December 7th, 7pm EDT ??All Online!
Hunt’s Photo Walk: Haverhill in Black & White
Saturday, December 8th, 3-6pm ? Haverhill, MA ??Low light and night photography in glorious black & white
Hunt’s Photo Walk: Holiday Lights in Historic Downtown Boston
Friday December 8th, 5-8pm ??Downtown Boston ??Explore and photograph Historic Downtown Boston!
Beginner Photography Series- Hunt’s Photo, Hanover Pt 2
Do you have a new DSLR that you have no idea how to use? Have you had your camera for 6 months, a year or more and want to take better pictures? Are you putting your camera away because you just don?t see the difference between your expensive camera and your smart phone? Learn to… Read More »
Hunt’s Portrait Workshop: Posing for Couples, Holiday Edition (Newburyport)
Saturday December 9th, 9am-12pm ? Newburyport, MA ??Featuring posing techniques with couples and ways to get subjects at ease in a holiday setting
Beginner Photography Series- Hunt’s Photo, Holyoke
Saturday December 9th, 9am-1pm ??Hunt's Photo, Holyoke ??We offer this class on a monthly basis!
Food Photography Series- Holiday Baked Goods
Saturday December 9th, 10am-3pm ? Hunt's Photo, Melrose. Featuring hands-on photography instruction with mouth-watering holiday-themed baked goods!
Hunt’s Photo Walk: An Evening in Rockport
Saturday, December 9th, 2:30-5:30pm ??Join Hunt's Photo Education for an evening walk of Rockport and its harbor, Bearskin Neck
Flash! Speedlights 101- Hunt’s Photo, Melrose
Sunday December 10th, 11am-3pm • Hunt's Photo, Melrose • Delving into all about how to use your flash on camera (and maybe a little bit off-camera!)
Beginner Photography Series- Hunt’s Photo, South Portland (Pt 2)
Do you have a new DSLR that you have no idea how to use? Have you had your camera for 6 months, a year or more and want to take better pictures? Are you putting your camera away because you just don?t see the difference between your expensive camera and your smart phone? Learn to… Read More »
Online: Digital Photography Basics 2- Focus, Lenses, Depth of Field, RAW and More
Tuesday December 12th, 7pm EDT ??Also Offered monthly Online! ??Learn to fully utilize your DSLR or Mirrorless Camera's potentials! Harness your creative power with?photography!
Beginner Photography Series- Hunt’s Photo, Manchester (Part 2)
Do you have a new DSLR that you have no idea how to use? Have you had your camera for 6 months, a year or more and want to take better pictures? Are you putting your camera away because you just don?t see the difference between your expensive camera and your smart phone? Learn to… Read More »
Beginner Photography Series- Hunt’s Photo, Manchester (Part 2)
Do you have a new DSLR that you have no idea how to use? Have you had your camera for 6 months, a year or more and want to take better pictures? Are you putting your camera away because you just don?t see the difference between your expensive camera and your smart phone? Learn to… Read More »
Online: The Printed Vision- Making a Fine Art Print (Print Review)
Presentation: Thursday December 9th, 7-8pm ? Online! Printed Image Review: Thursday December 16th, 6-8pm ? In our Hunt's Melrose store or Online! About The Printed Vision Series The printed image shows our successes and our faults at a much higher level of detail than the digital image. To become better photographers, it helps to understand… Read More »