Hunt’s Photo Experience: Photo Scavenger Hunt with Canon

Friday November 3rd, 2-3pm ??Hunt's Photo, Melrose ? This Session is FREE! ??A chance to enhance your creativity by searching out light, patterns, interesting compositions, and otherwise seemingly simple things that tend to be ignored

Hunt’s Photo Experience: Photo Scavenger Hunt with Canon

Sunday November 5th, 2-3pm ??Hunt's Photo, Melrose ? This Session is FREE! ??A chance to enhance your creativity by searching out light, patterns, interesting compositions, and otherwise seemingly simple things that tend to be ignored

Hunt’s Show Seminars: Why Edit with Capture One

Sunday November 5th, 3-4pm (Please note change in time and date!) ??Hunt's Photo, Melrose ??This Seminar is Free! ??Come see why Capture One is an important tool to add to your photo arsenal!

Beginner Photography Series- Hunt’s Photo, Melrose (Part 2)

Do you have a new DSLR that you have no idea how to use? Have you had your camera for 6 months, a year or more and want to take better pictures? Are you putting your camera away because you just don?t see the difference between your expensive camera and your smart phone? Learn to… Read More »

Online: Multi-Session Series- Mastering Manual Mode (Pt 3)

Join Hunt's Photo Education for our new Multi-Session Series. In our Multi-Session Series, we will meet over the course of a number of weeks, generally at the same time each week. During that time, we will discuss a specific element of a topic and end the session by giving a photographic assignment. That assignment will… Read More »

Online: Personal Vision Series- “Organic Color” (Image Review)

Join Hunt's Photo Education as we help grow your knowledge, creativity, and artistic expression with our expanded Personal Vision Series. These classes are designed to provide you time, opportunity, and guidance in shaping your creative photographic voice. We will give an overview on a specific topic in an online class session, then give you time… Read More »